Monday, July 18, 2011

Bryan Koszoru's Intro to Maya

Here is what Bryan described of the new class that he will be teaching at Red Engine!

Get Classy with Bryan K!

For the first time, I’ll be teaching a class that’s open to everyone… even you! Well maybe not you, but that guy behind you… yeah that guy. You can totally take my class, buddy! I believe that 3D modeling isn’t just for executing an approved design. I use it very often in the early design stages, much like how a traditional concept artist might explore a design in 2D, By the end of the class, you’ll be able to take rough 2D designs (like Jung Park’s crazy awesome painting below)…

… And further refine it into a real three dimensional form. The image below is pretty much exactly what you’ll be able to make by then end of the class. Awesome!

Here’s a video of the same scene:

Click Me!

In addition, we’ll be doing detailed object-based design, call-outs, and you’ll learn tons of tips to speed up your workflow so you can get right to the meaty creative parts. If you’re interested, head over to for more information. Hope to see you there!

To visit the artist's personal blog click here

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