Come join us on Saturday, April 28th from 12pm-6pm for special workshop with Patrick Hanenberger and Christian Schellewald, Production Designers at DREAMWORKS ANIMATION, to discover the keys to Worldbuilding through their recent art book, Kolonie: The Forgotten Empire. T
his very special workshop will talk about their design process through lecture and live demos on composition, layout/ storytelling, design, and rendering to show how they create believable world for projects.
Topics to be covered include insights challenges and everyday tasks of a visual development artist for animation. Lecture on design process for feature animation. Live demo on composition, layout/ storytelling, hardware/ vehicle design, and rendering.
Life sketching from artist to everyone that purchases a hardcover book.
Fee:$100 general / $80 for students with valid student ID
To RSVP Please email:
redenginestudios@gmail.com or call 213-488-0542
Please email or mail in a registration form to secure your spot!