Come join us on
Saturday, October 8th-9th from 10:30am-6:10pm for special weekend series of lectures by
Scott Robertson who was the founding chair of Entertainment Design department at Art Center College of Design and President of Design Studio Press.
He will present his educational knowledge developed over the last 15 years of teaching at Art Center College of Design as well as guest lecturer at various colleges and companies around the world.
Topics to be covered include insights into Scott’s design processes, methodologies, and fundamentals of rendering form with value and how to render reflective materials in Photoshop. During the weekend Scott will reveal as many of his design techniques, and rendering tips + tricks as he can over the course of the 12 hours of combined lectures. It’s sure to be packed with enough industrial/entertainment design insights for professionals and students alike to keep your head spinning well into the holidays!
$200 general /
$160 for students with valid student ID
To RSVP Please email: or call
213-488-0542 Please email or mail in a registration form to secure your spot.