Saturday, May 19, 2012

Summer 2012 Enrollment Status (updated 5/19)

Form Language - closed
Intro to Environment Art - closed
Entertainment Portfolio - contact for registration
Intro to Video Game Art - contact for registration
Intro to Creature Design - contact for registration
Intro to Animation Projects - contact for registration
Adv. Mech Design - contact for registration
Character Design - contact for registration

Summer Term starting on Saturday, May 19th.
Please contact / 213-488-0542 for all inquiries.


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Photos from the World-Building Workshop on 4/28

Thanks for attending the World-Building Workshop on 4/28/2012. We thank the two very talented artists, Patrick Hanenberger and Christian Schellewald, for sharing their knowledge and insights! We had a blast, and we hope to see you at our future events again!