Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Special Workshop 02: Sci-Fi Illustration with Ben Procter

September 18, Saturday 2pm-7pm
Red Engine Studios

Fee: $120

Please email: redenginestudios@gmail.com to secure your seat. Sign up soon as seats are very limited!

Special Workshop 01: Environment Design with James Paick

Saturday, August 21 2pm-7pm

Fee: $120

Please email: redenginestudios@gmail.com to RSVP and fees need to be paid in advance to secure your spot. Sign up soon as seats are very limited!

We invite you to a Mini-Workshop by RED ENGINE

July 31, 3pm-6:30pm

1820 Industrial Street
Los Angeles, CA 90021
Red Engine Studios

Live demo from Steve Jung, Jung Park, and John Park.
Topics will range from Character Design, Environment Design, and Vehicle Design.

RSVP now!!

Figure Drawing Workshop -

Sign up for Figure Drawing Workshop!
Every Saturday starting July 31st from 12pm-3pm
$20 -without instructor for 3hrs
$50 - with instructor(Daniel Lim) for 3hrs / $595 for the whole 12 week course
Reserve your seat now as seating is very limited.

Monday, July 26, 2010

College Portfolio Prep.

Instructor: Jung Park & Won Yi
Class Schedule:
*monthly* s
tudents choose from 8, 12, or 16 sessions per month (3 hours/session)

This class is designed to help students develop a strong foundation of skills, develop professional work habits and create a portfolio suitable for college admission. Course includes observational drawing, design, composition, color theory, and issues surrounding the making of art. Although this class is primarily focused on observational
drawing and painting, mixed media compositions, photography, and other media may be explored.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Environment Design.

Really excited to teach Environment Design class.
see you guys next week =)


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Classes at Red Engine -

Sign up for classes now. They have limited seating

Figurative Oil Painting

Instructor: Jeff Nentrup
Class Schedule: Saturday, 1:15pm-4:15pm (8 weeks)
Tuition: $475

This class will introduce the medium of Oil Painting through process, technique and methodology. The students will be shown how to build a painting from its underpainting to finished details. Exercises will be taught that will capture the versatility of the medium.